American Bus Association

Canada/Mexico Tariff Resource Hub

Effective March 4, 2025, a 25% tariff now applies to most imports from both countries, with a lower 10% tariff on Canadian energy products. This affects the motorcoach, group tour and travel industries that ABA serves. Find out more about what the Association is doing, and how you can help.

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ABA provides members with special programming, discount programs and tools to help their business run smoothly.

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Destinations: The official travel publication of ABA

Our Destinations magazine is published 6 times a year and includes state and region-specific coverage and special industry guides in every issue.

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The American Bus Association is the most trusted motorcoach, group tour, and travel association in the industry.

ABA represents its members in Washington through legislative and regulatory assistance as well as provides education and business opportunities throughout the year.

Join the only industry organization that connects all segments of the motorcoach and group travel industry to maximize their offerings to customers and help build their business.

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Whether its legislation that’s moving, a regulatory proposal open for comments, or a funding opportunity available, we’re here WORKING FOR YOU!

Advocating for Motorcoach, Group Tour and Travel Industry

Proposed tariffs on Canadian and Mexican motorcoaches and components would drive up costs, reduce service availability, threaten 14,000 American jobs, and disrupt the group travel supply chain.

We urge members, consumers, and group travel professionals to ask Congress for an exclusion process for motorcoach companies affected by Canadian and Mexican tariffs.

Write your elected officials now

ABA aims to strengthen the motorcoach industry’s role in providing safe, efficient, and accessible transportation options for millions of Americans.

Read Callie’s Update

The American Bus Association serves a thriving industry that provides nearly 600 million passenger trips annually on charters, tours, scheduled service, and shuttles. Membership in ABA includes motorcoach operators, tour operators, tourism-related organizations, and products and service suppliers.

© 2011 - 2025 American Bus Association